Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A trip down memory lane...

I saw this on my sister-in-law's blog and was thus inclined to write my own post about it. I have high hopes for good memories and/or good laughs.

1. As a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember.

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses.

3. Remember, if you can't say something nice, don't say nothin' at all ☺

4. Consider this a Tag: if you've read it, you have to do it!


Lemme said...

oh...which one to choose?
-late nights by the brentwood swing
-guitar hero
-the music videos
-the photo shoots
-the oscars (and you playing a homeless man)
I know there are so much more but I'm having a serious brain fart right now! Miss you Cam!

p.s. I have this on my blog too...I expect you to return the favor

Nikki (and Crew!) said...

So... remember the day that you were working, collecting cash at the game I came down for? You oh-so-graciously brought me some much-needed food, and now that I think about it... Yep, I think I was there with my now-husband, Jeff. Anyway, I stayed to hang out with you, but you had to work. You geniusly thought I should illegally drive your car back to your place and wait there with your roomates whom I had never met... I did so, but have to admit, it was a little weird. The following concert and Arby's were fairly uneventful as far as legality and weird situations go, but the others are quite the story, looking back. Eesh. (Hey-that's not even the only time you had me drive your car, either... Ha.)

Trenda said...

Thanks for playing! Let's see, I loved going to vegas with Craig and watching you sing at the Pavilion with the BYU Mens Chorus! I remember being a little frustrated that I couldn't see you due to where we were sitting, but you guys sounded amazing!

Cindy said...

Oh Cam we have so many memories...But the two that I can think of at the moment are when you came to my rescue when I was trying to be all I don't need a boy to help me and you helped me anyway! I should know better than to build something by myself. And the other on is when you coached on flirting. I wheeze ever time I think of that! You are the best! I love your stinkin' guts!

Bryon said...

I seem to remember a time when you were adamant about which which family of the primate order you belonged to ... seems to me we have that on video somewhere.

The Ballif Family said...

Are you home??

just a little bit mo said...

I remember when you stopped by Sherwood Down one night for some kind of official business with your calling. Anyway, you, Betsy, and I spent like half an hour quoting favorite movie/t.v. show lines. Your famous "all work and no play make Homer a . . . something, something" made our quote board.

Clarisa said...

I remember when we went to some THING(Scottish Festival maybe?) someWHERE(inside it was like the Huntsman Center...maybe it was the Bountiful Regional Center) and you had to go potty. Well once we found the potty I innocently pointed you into what I assumed was the men's room. After you walked in, it dawned on me that it was a ladie's room with an "in" door and "out" door. Shortly thereafter, you walked out slightly stiff looking and slightly red-faced. Meanwhile I laughed until my sides hurt. That was a really great day. Thanks for the laugh buddy.